
This program is ideal for studio owner’s who are looking to embrace their role as an owner, begin mastering the business side of things and finally build a business that runs smoothly while making a healthy profit!

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Once you are able to ‘Step into your Owner Role’ and ‘Take Control of your Schedule’ you will be thinking more strategically, will have already increased your revenues and will finally have the time to focus on the highest value tasks that only you can execute to take your business to the next level. 

From there, you will begin to determine what levers to pull in your business to maximize your revenues the fastest, while more deeply serving your ideal client. You will have a whole new eye for your expenses to make sure you are spending money in just the right places. 

You will learn exactly who is the right person for your team, and from there you will know how to find them and then how to identify their core values in your interview process, which will result in increased loyalty, retention and productivity of your team members. 

Then develop your marketing muscle with simple daily habits that you can commit to so that you can start making forward progress immediately, without getting marketing burnout, or spending a fortune!  The key to marketing isn’t to have the best new strategy out there, it is about daily habits that you can stick with for the long run.

Last but not least, you want to make sure you are starting clients out on the right foot and then do the little things that will keep them coming back, create community and retain your clients for years to come!